Friday, December 11, 2015


I've always wanted to see an aurora. Not to find my spirit animal etched in glowing lines across the night sky, or behold the magic of it. No, the facts are far more fascinating to me.

Auroras are the eddying solar winds washing across our planet's force field. Well, kinda. If you didn't know, our planet is magnetically active. The action of our iron core generates a magnetic sphere of influence around our planet, which diverts the particles and energy of solar winds. Otherwise we'd be dead, scoured off the face of our planet fairly quickly by radioactive "wind."

Auroras illustrate those solar winds' energies spectacularly. They can be seen where they are bent towards the atmosphere and lose their steam. You know how a meteor superheats and wears that flaming hat of "I'm gonna really fuck you up" when it's careening towards the Earth in movies? It's a similar principle, except with mostly pure energy being dampened and shed through our ionizing atmosphere.

I'd love to sit under it and visualize the stream of energy flying past. Makes you feel small.

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