Friday, December 11, 2015


I can ring a doorbell easily. New things don't scare me. I'm happy meeting people. I'll happily try unfamiliar foods.

The tough thing for me is concentrated work. I procrastinate. It's not as simple as committing to pushing a button. It's pushing a button, then holding it down for two hours. Or at least that's how it seems. It's difficult to hold in my thoughts that beginning is the hardest part, because I can so easily find something else to do.

And beginnings are definitely the hardest. Once you get going, often times it flies by. Get into the thick of a paper and the words will keep coming. Facing that door, knowing that I could just go somewhere else instead of standing at it, waiting to pass through. That's hard. So I turn away. Too often, I turn away.

Even when I get started, a hiccup can bring it all to a halt. Struggling to comprehend a concept in German, or finding no leads on a bit of research I need can push me back to the beginning.

And if you read that, I'm glad you pushed on through.

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