Friday, December 11, 2015

Orange Mists

In fantasy worlds, weather can take a turn for the weird. Storms don't just get bigger, they get stranger too.

"At first we thought it a trick of the light. Dust or something kicked up by the wind. Hells, maybe it was, but it weren't no normal dust. Looked vibrant as a fruit and tasted musty. Gave you quite a cough and made you feel a strange kind of chill. Everyone lit up their fires and clutched em like they were life. Worse though, was the animals. I reckon it's cause they can't make their own fire."

Orange mist can be the result of supernatural phenomenon, alchemical explosions, or creeping curses. It causes light obscurement and lasts 2d4 days, or until it rains. While the mists persist, animals in the area must make a charisma save dc 15 or be drawn to sources of heat and exhibit a supernatural ability to detect it within 6 miles. They become hostile to all humanoids using fire and attempt to attack them, as well as gaining 1d4 temporary hit points each turn they spend in the mist.

Deer come stampeding out of the forest, wolves circle towns and rats boil up in the streets, clawing through windows. Settlements that do not utilize fire are safe.

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